endev42 - documenting the meaning of life
Geoffrey Pierson
What is the meaning of life?
Religious Affiliation: Raised Catholic
Date Submitted: September 9, 2024
Date of Birth: June 16, 1949
Mankind has been trying to answer that question since inception of the species homo sapiens. This ongoing attempt accounts for the formulations of religions and philosophies. Pretty much everything that impacted the existence of early man was deified in some way; the sun, rain, the sea, the moon and stars, even animals. Eventually mono-theism emerged, with its doctrine that one god, a super-human facsimile of a human being, created everything and provided the meaning of life by promising a life after death. Since no religious claim can be verified, the meaning of life remains unknown. In light of this reality, the best policy is to live a good life, filled with productive work and contributions to one’s fellow man, while loving and taking care of one’s family and friends.