endev42 - documenting the meaning of life
About Us
endev42 aims to provide answers to the deepest question of humanity, “What is the Meaning of Life?”. Founded in January 2013, originally called endeavor42, the website is essentially a database for the meaning of life. The website contains a collection of quotes, movie and book reviews, and more. The goal of the website is to act as a database, cataloging the meaning of life—how it differs around the world and how it changes throughout time.
The website contains a survey which we hope to publish sometime in the future. To date, we have received responses from Noble prize winners, scientists, athletes, and more. However, the goal of the site is not necessarily to seek answers from celebrities, but rather people from all backgrounds. As such, we hope you enjoy and we always appreciate hearing feedback. Email us at admin@endev42.com.
In addition to the menu bar and the home page, you can also search the blog via tags. Below is a list of tags you can search by (please note, we're working to update this part of the website as the hashtags may not currently pull up all content):