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The Post-Midlife Crisis - Comic Book Review


Updated: Feb 18, 2021

The Post-Midlife Crisis by Florence Cestac is a comic book totaling 55 pages in length. It is the second book in a series of three. The first being, The Midlife Crisis or "Moving to Pastures New" and the last, The Late Life Crisis. This particular book is about three women who sit around discussing post-midlife problems such as hot flashes, men, children, menopause, and sometimes other graphic biological issues that won't be listed here.

Like the first book of the series, this one also delves deep into the world of infidelity. However, this one wasn't as interesting and quite frankly was rather boring. It could be that the novelty of the series wore off, or it could be that this more or less modeled that of a really dull episode of The Real Housewives. There were a few good one-liners here and there...

But, overall, don't expect much—neither philosophically or comically. We rate it a 3 out of 10.

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